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Internal Medicine
Allergy & Immunology
Stinging Insect Allergy
Are you using any molecular allergen diagnostics for predicting the long-term outcomes of venom-specific immunotherapy and as guidance to stop VIT?
Related Questions
What VIT would you recommend in a patient who had grade 5 anaphylaxis to a stinging insect but negative IDT and serum IgE?
Is there a role for omalizumab in a patient who is on VIT but still experiences anaphylaxis to stinging insects?
In a patient with anaphylaxis and loss of consciousness from stinging insect, suspected to be yellow jacket, the sIgE was significantly positive to all vespids, but honeybee and paper wasp were only 0.44, would you evaluate further with skin testing to wasp and decide on including wasp in treatment based on skin testing being positive or include it with just the low IgE level?
Do you perform a bone marrow biopsy in all patients with grade 5 anaphylaxis to stinging insects and negative workup for HAT, MCAS, c-KIT?
What is the rationale/evidence to support doing 4 puffs of albuterol vs. 2 puffs for a reversibility study?
Do you switch from 0.15 mg to 0.3 mg epinephrine at 55lbs or 66lbs?
How do you reassure families that no allergy testing is needed for urticaria?
Is there a role for biologics to improve lung function in patients who have severe asthma with daily symptoms and reduced lung function but do not experience frequent exacerbations?
How do you interpret high C1q binding assay with otherwise normal C1q, C3, C4, CH50 in a patient with recurrent urticaria with positive ANA at high titer 1:1280, negative dsDNA, RNP, SM, normal CBC, CMP, UA, and UPCR.
Do you use AIT as an adjunct therapy in addition to nasal sprays and oral medications for CRS?