General Internal Medicine

Lung Cancer   

Questions discussed in this category

Is there a minimum standard for which stations to sample? Does lymph node size affect your recommendations?

Are two negative pleurocentesis' adequate to conclude that the patient does not have metastatic disease? Do you routinely recommend VATS and pleural b...

NCCN recommends annual CT surveillance indefinitely after year 5, but I’m curious how many physicians continue and for how long?

The NCCN guidelines call for pathological mediastinal lymph node staging for all NSCLC except in solid tumors <1cm and non-solid lesions < ...

Following lung RT, I have rarely seen patients present with pneumonia-like symptoms of radiation pneumonitis. I'm more likely to see a patient with wo...

In the case where there is a PET avid subpleural nodule in the exact same location as needle biopsy 3 months prior, is this considered a chest wall me...

In practice, do you send patients with N2/3 disease for mediastinal staging if not offered upfront?

Papers discussed in this category

J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2011 Mar

Semin Radiat Oncol, 2015 Oct

J. Clin. Oncol., 2008-07-20

Chest, 2007 Sep

The New England journal of medicine, 2011-08-04

Chest, 2016-03

Chest, 2008 Feb 08

JAMA, 2010 Nov 24