Hospital Medicine

Thoracic Malignancies   

Questions discussed in this category

How do you decide between starting infliximab, MMF, or IVIG? If a patient presents in respiratory failure (nearing or requiring intubation), woul...

Given the substantial risks associated with transporting an intubated and ventilated patient to Radiation Oncology, is there any evidence to support t...

Would you consider treating the full mediastinum or any mildly enlarged nodes, even contralateral? Do you have a strategy that transitions from a pall...

Would you treat if there is active infection?  How much improvement would you expect?

Is a biopsy needed? Do you consider treatment palliative or curative?

Papers discussed in this category

Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1994-03

Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, 2010-02

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 1980-08

JACC CardioOncol, 2019 Dec 17

Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book,

J Thorac Oncol, 2013 Nov

Practical radiation oncology, 2011