Do you routinely obtain baseline vascular imaging (CTA, MRA, PET) in patients with suspected GCA, but negative temporal artery biopsy?
Per 2021 GCA Vasculitis Guidelines: low evidence, but conditional recommendation for CTA neck, chest, abd/pelvis. Is anybody following this or do you feel the low evidence outweighs cost/radiation exposure?
Answer from: at Community Practice
Vascular imaging is particularly helpful in patients with large vessel giant cell arteritis. This patient subset may present with persistent constitutional symptoms, refractory polymyalgia rheumatica, fever of unknown origin, or with vascular signs/symptoms (for example arm claudication). These pati...
at Vanderbilt University Medical Center Just had a negative temporal A BX and panCTA showe...
Ultrasound of the temporal arteries can be performed in conjunction with an assessment of the facial arteries, carotid arteries, subclavian arteries, axillary arteries, and abdominal aorta to improve the diagnostic yield and allow for screening of cranial involvement as well as large artery involvem...
at Cleveland Clinic I agree completely but this is severely limited in...
at University of Washington We do have a fast-track clinic at our institution ...
Just had a negative temporal A BX and panCTA showe...