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Thoracic Malignancies
Medical Oncology
Do you tell your patients with epithelioid subtype mesothelioma following gross resection and adjuvant cis/pemetrexed that they have completed "curative intent" treatment?
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Would you offer a RET inhibitor to a patient with de novo metastatic, RET V706M mutant squamous cell lung cancer?
How do you sequence targeted therapy and immunotherapy in patients with metastatic lung adenocarcinoma with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations?
How would you approach the management of a patient with Stage IV NSCLC harboring both a classical and non-classical compound EGFR mutations?
What second line therapy do you use for metastatic thymoma that recurs following CAP?
Has the MARS data for mesothelioma changed whether you would recommend surgery for these patients?
What is the role of consolidative durvalumab and prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients with stage I small cell lung cancer?
In a patient with potentially resectable lung cancer experiencing severe pain due to chest wall invasion, would you consider palliative radiation therapy prior to neoadjuvant/perioperative chemoimmunotherapy?
In a patient with node-positive limited-stage small cell lung cancer, how do you approach radiation in a patient whose small primary tumor resolves after one cycle of chemotherapy?
Would you use combination of weekly low dose carboplatin and Taxol in patient with small cell lung cancer with poor performance status or cytopenia?