Do you use serum or urine biomarkers other than creatinine when evaluating patients with acute kidney injury?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
I use the urinalysis (including microscopy) as well as the furosemide stress test but no other "novel" biomarkers have sufficient accuracy to guide clinical care at this time.
Agree with @Ron Wald.
FST probably tells us more about functioning tubules than several of the other biomarkers do. Not saying we should not continue to push the field further, but no clinical utility IMO.
Agree with Drs. @Wald and @Garimella. While not a biomarker, I often also look to the serum phosphorous handling. Particularly in patients with low muscle mass or prolonged hospitalization, a phosphorous that seems disproportionately high can be a sign of lower-than-expected kidney function that may...