For early-stage, HR+ Her2- breast cancers, when do you use OncotypeDx v. Mammaprint?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
The reason to use any multiparameter assay is to determine which patients need chemo and which don't. To say that another way - it is about the predictive ability, not the prognostic ability. Until very recently, Mammaprint only had prognostic data so I always used Oncotype. The MINDACT trial recent...
Medical Oncologist at Cancer Care Specialists/Renown Oncology/UNR My understanding is that Mammaprint did not clearl...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
@Kathy Miller, I heard a talk where the speaker, based on MINDACT trial data used Mammaprint for early stage node positive patients to select patients that WILL NOT benefit from chemo (sparing chemo for almost half of those women). Conversely, he used OncotypeDx for early stage node negative breast ...
My understanding is that Mammaprint did not clearl...