How are PA diastolic goals established and individualized to reduce HF readmission risk post-CardioMEMs, recognizing the overall unclear clinical value of outpatient PA sensor monitoring?
Answer from: at Community Practice
The PA diastolic goal is generally set to <20 mm Hg to aim for euvolemia. Consideration should also be given to mPAP (<25 mm Hg).
However, the goals need to be individualized, taking into consideration underlying pathology of HF (HFpEF vs HFrEF with steeper PV curves in patients with HFpEF), ...
Agree with Dr. @Bellumkonda. There is no significant signal regarding pressures being too low, and much more often that pressures are not low enough, so would not overthink initial targets. It is important to record the delta between PAD and PCW at RHC and write that prominently in the patient Merli...