How do you approach the discussion and decision-making regarding surgery vs SBRT for stage I NSCLC in patients who are candidates for both?
And, for additional information, what are the differences in 5 year survival and disease specific survival for stage I NSCLC between lobectomy vs SBRT?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
I agree with Dr. @Chang that it requires a very nuanced and personalized discussion. Our Yale approach (led by Frank Detterbeck) has been detailed in a 4-paper series in the Journal of Thoracic Disease 2022 (overview and SBRT/ablation focus), with the general paradigm balancing short-term, medium-te...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
First, I would provide available randomized and non-randomized prospective clinical studies that indicated that both modalities have similar 5-Y OS. I would review the side effects of surgery vs SBRT (G3+ 50+% vs 1-3%). I would discuss the limitations of the studies and SBRT.
Finally, based on the ...
Medical Oncologist at The START Center for Cancer Care You wrote, "the side effects of surgery vs SBRT (G...
Radiation Oncologist at Slidell Memorial Regional Cancer Center So with 'similar OS and side effects less with SBR...