How do you best manage bulky, clinical stage IIA squamous cell cancer of the cervical stump in a patient with a previous partial supra-cervical hysterectomy?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is not a common scenario in the clinic. It is an older type of surgery to do supracervical Hysterectomy.
For stage IIA Sq. cell ca of Cx in the stump, I would start with chemoRT to pelvis to 45-50GY and then depending on the length of the stump if at least 2.5-3cm would offer intracavita...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
MRI imaging before chemoRT can be very helpful in this situation to evaluate the length of cervix, parametrial extent, and relevant OAR anatomy. Standard therapy with a short tandem depending on residual length (2-3 cm) could be all that is needed. If the lesion is bulky laterally then an interstiti...