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Cardiac Electrophysiology
How do you manage persistent left atrial appendage thrombus despite therapeutic anticoagulation on DOAC and prior history of warfarin use?
Would you need to wait for full resolution of LAA thrombus on TEE before considering a Watchman?
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How do you manage patients with atrial fibrillation having a thromboembolic infarct despite being on adequate anticoagulation?
Is there is enough data to recommend LOT-CRT upgrade in CRT nonresponders with a residual wide QRS width assuming the patient had a good LV endocardial-CS lead placement ?
For patients who have previously undergone MAZE ligation presenting with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, how would you counsel them on the risk of stroke long-term when deciding whether or not to start or continue anticoagulation?
For a platelet-transfusion-dependent elderly patient with recurrent bacteremia and a dual chamber pacemaker, and TEE with fibrin vs. possible vegetation, would you consider device removal or favoring treatment with suppressive antibiotics?
What are your typical recommendations for when a patient can return to work following a cardiac arrest, considering the variation in neurological recovery and the potential ramifications based on the type of job?
With the rise in home monitoring devices, how should we approach asymptomatic NSVT detected in healthy individuals with no prior cardiac history and with low risk cardiac profile?
Do you typically include exercise restrictions and/or alcohol intake restrictions in routine counseling for patients with atrial fibrillation?
In patients with concurrent, CAD and atrial fibrillation, more than 1 year post-PCI, the most recent AHA/ACC guidelines state that “oral anticoagulation monotherapy is recommended over the continuation of oral anticoagulant therapy and a single antiplatelet therapy.” If this individual undergoes surgery, the anticoagulant will be held. Would you then bridge with aspirin?
When would you consider AV nodal ablation in CRT-non-responders with persistent atrial fibrillation?
What is your outpatient approach to monitoring paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (i.e. mobile cardiac telemetry, decision to anticoagulate if high likelihood of recurrence) in young adults with CHADsVASC score of 0, in light of potential remodeling and increased Afib burden as they age?