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Head and Neck Cancers
Radiation Oncology
How do you manage soft tissue necrosis in a patient who underwent TORS followed by RT?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Close observation Minimize trauma Don’t biopsy unless something very suspicious
Radiation Oncologist at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center
For any soft tissue necrosis post RT that doesn't ...
Radiation Oncologist at University of Michigan
If non-surgical measures fail, Consult the surgeo...
Radiation Oncologist at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center
Since the topic of soft tissue necrosis has come u...
Radiation Oncologist at University of Michigan
An old randomized study from 1985 (Marx et al) de...
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For any soft tissue necrosis post RT that doesn't ...
If non-surgical measures fail, Consult the surgeo...
Since the topic of soft tissue necrosis has come u...
An old randomized study from 1985 (Marx et al) de...