How do you treat the chest wall after mastectomy with an expander?
Would you consider hypofractionation? If so,what dose? Would you consider a boost if there were close margins?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
We have not been treating patients with immediate tissue expander reconstruction with hypofractionated photon post-mastectomy radiotherapy off trial. However, we are excited to be opening @Matthew M. Poppe's A221505 randomized photon study. In addition, we are nearing completion of enrollm...
Radiation Oncologist at CCare Do you treat with DIBH (and if so, what bolus do y...
Radiation Oncologist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN We attempt to treat all patients with indications ...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice paper from us shows recurrence pattern and highlights the importance of revising contouring for the chest wall as the area of risk is above the pec and in between pec muscle.It is not behind and not into intercostal muscle as required in current guide...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I treat it much like I would for a non-reconstructed chest wall, with every other day bolus. Instead of superflab bolus, however, we use chain mail which is equivalent to 0.5cm of superflab bolus. It conforms to the tissue expander better.
I strongly prefer to only use hypofractionated radiation af...
Radiation Oncologist at Private Practice If the deep margin is positive, would you boost th...
Radiation Oncologist at Varian Medical Systems/Allegheny health network If one can localize, then yes.
Radiation Oncologist at Indiana University Health If the deep margin is positive and the patient und...
Radiation Oncologist at Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh If it's the deep margin, I take the tangents and b...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
I feel there is place for use of hypofrationation after mastectomy with or without expander. It will be nice to see clinical trials completed to confirm this.
Do you treat with DIBH (and if so, what bolus do y...
We attempt to treat all patients with indications ...