How would you approach a patient with MPO-positive isolated peripheral nerve vasculitis?
How would you label such a patient?
Would you treat differently if they have poor functional status?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
AAV can present with a peripheral neuropathy as a first manifestation. The first question we're often facing is whether a biopsy is necessary. If the neuropathy pattern is one of mononeuritis multiplex and there are no atypical features or other atypical serologic findings, I sometimes forego nerve ...
Vasculitic neuropathy is often extremely painful and debilitating, and management can be challenging. In this case, the first step is to make sure the underlying diagnosis is in fact small vessel vasculitis by obtaining nerve biopsy and then determining if the patient has a non-systemic vasculitic n...
at Montefiore Med Center AECOM Thanks so much for such a detailed answer!