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Breast Cancer
Medical Oncology
Breast Cancer, Non-metastatic
How would you approach treatment for local chest wall recurrence while on Anastrozole for a postmenopausal woman with ER+ IDC s/p mastectomy?
What systemic therapy would you use?
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What is your preferred sequencing of adjuvant chemotherapy and PMRT for node + breast cancer?
Would you give adjuvant TDM-1 to a patient with HER2-positive breast cancer s/p NAC with TCHP found to have no residual disease in the breast, but presence of ITCs ypN0(i+) in one axillary lymph node?
Is there safety data regarding the use of hormonal IUDs in patients with atypical ductal hyperplasia and other high risk, non-malignant breast lesions?
Would you drop carboplatin/paclitaxel weeks or considering shortening duration of treatment in a BRCA1+ patient with synchronous TNBC (left 2.4 cm tumor, right 9 mm tumor) who has complete response on interim breast ultrasound?
In light of WSG-ADAPT HR+/HER2– trial at SABCS 2024 showing a 5 year iDFS benefit with neoadjuvant nab-paclitaxel over paclitaxel, will you change your practice?
What factors would you consider when deciding between tamoxifen vs OFS/AI in premenopausal women with early stage HR+ breast cancer?
Does the degree of hormone receptor positivity influence your decision to perform Oncotype testing?
How do you address iron replacement during breast cancer treatment?
With the recent FDA approval of adjuvant ribociclib, how are you deciding between ribociclib and abemaciclib for high risk HR+/HER2− early breast cancer?
Would you avoid chemotherapy in a postmenopausal woman age >65 with T3 HR+/HER2 negative with Oncotype DX < 25?