How would you manage JAK2+ polycythemia vera during pregnancy and postpartum?
No history of thrombosis and without other high risk features. Not on phlebotomies.
Would you continue aspirin? Do you consider adding LMWH peripartum and postpartum and for how long?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
There are not a lot of data to guide us given the relative rarity of PV in adults of child-bearing age but two published studies may be helpful.An analysis of 129 pregnancies in patients with PV demonstrated that the combination of aspirin plus LMWH had a significantly lower risk of a spontaneous ab...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
I agree completely with Dr. @Patel. We know that aspirin throughout pregnancy (How et al., PMID 33022566) helps outcomes. I use it in all patients regardless of traditional IPSET risk during pregnancy if they have ET. Consensus guidelines recommend 6 weeks of LMWH postpartum also. Phlebotomy should ...