How would you treat a patient with T1c HR-, HER2+ breast cancer, stage IV, with involvement of multiple bilateral axillary nodes and no evidence of distant metastasis?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Assuming biopsy proven disease in both axilla, would favor treating with definitive intent with TCHP followed by surgery (nodal surgery extent based on response to chemo) followed by RT.
Medical Oncologist at NYU Winthrop Hospital Systemic treatment
Stage 4
Anti HER-2 Neu therap...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
This patient has stage 4 disease and the likelihood of visceral micro-metastatic disease is not yet evident on imaging studies. I would use anti-HER-2 and systemic chemotherapy and reevaluate for response with radiation.
Systemic treatment Stage 4 Anti HER-2 Neu therap...