How would you treat cervical stump SCC involving bladder, pelvic nodes, and port-site metastasis in a patient post-laparoscopic hysterectomy?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
No standard approach.
If good KPS, would favor treating with definitive chemo RT with EBRT plus interstitial plus weekly cisplatinum.
For port site recurrence depending on volume, would favor local excision vs. definitive RT dose.
Radiation Oncologist at University of Texas Medical Branch I agree with both Dr. @Sushil Beriwal and Dr. @Mar...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I largely agree with Dr. @Sushil Beriwal. I'd add a couple of things. First, if the cervical stump remains, my experience is that it is very common to be able to do intracavitary RT for the brachy portion as opposed to just directly going to an interstitial implant. There is typically 2-3 cm of cerv...
I agree with both Dr. @Sushil Beriwal and Dr. @Mar...