In patients with lupus nephritis on maintenance therapy, is there additional benefit in utilizing 2 grams vs 3 grams of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) daily?
Answer from: at Community Practice
I agree with @Gary Gilkeson's answer.
A few nuances to add:
In my patients of African Ancestry, I always start with 1.5 gm bid if tolerated as they tend to need a higher dose (probably related to lower enterohepatic circulation, more rapid mycophenolic acid clearance, and other metabolic mechani...
Agree generally with Drs. @Gilkeson and @Thomas with following caveats. First, MMF is used for both induction of remission and maintenance of remission. I too observe that patients of Asian ancestry have high renal CR even at 2 gm a day while patients of African American often demonstrate better red...
This is an interesting question. My take on it would be if the patient's renal disease activity is well controlled on 2g a day I would stay at that dose. Black lupus nephritis patients often need the higher dose of 3g per day and is the dose I use to treat LN in Black patients. I maintain them on 3g...