Extracranial Metastases From Glioblastoma With Primitive Neuronal Components on FDG PET/CT.
A 17-year-old girl with World Health Organization grade IV glioblastoma with primitive neuronal components (histone H3 G34-mutant and IDH1 wild type) underwent whole-body FDG PET/CT staging due to vertebral metastases on initial MRI. PET/CT revealed extracranial metastatic disease with spinal leptomeningeal dissemination, osseous metastases, and peritoneal seeding via a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Glioblastoma is uncommon in pediatric patients and particularly those with primitive neuronal components. Extracranial metastases from glioblastoma are more common in those with primitive neuronal components. This case demonstrates the utility of FDG PET/CT for revealing distant metastases from glioblastoma.
New answer by at Northwell Health (August 13, 2021)
While most malignant primary brain tumors will NOT spread to the gut via VPS, case reports of pediatric brain tumors dominate the literature regarding this risk. Germ cell tum...