Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1993 Jun 15
p53 mutations increase resistance to ionizing radiation.   
Mouse and human tumors of diverse origin frequently have somatically acquired mutations or rearrangements of the p53 gene, or they have lost one or both copies of the gene. Although wild-type p53 protein is believed to function as a tumor-suppressor gene, it is as yet unclear how p53 mutations lead to neoplastic development. Wild-type p53 has been postulated to play a role in DNA repair, suggesting that expression of mutant forms of p53 might alter cellular resistance to the DNA damage caused by gamma radiation. Moreover, p53 is thought to function as a cell cycle checkpoint after irradiation, also suggesting that mutant p53 might change the cellular proliferative response to radiation. We have used transgenic mice expressing one of two mutant alleles of p53 to test this prediction. Our results show that expression of both mutant variants of the mouse p53 gene significantly increases the cellular resistance of a variety of hematopoietic cell lineages to gamma radiation. These observations provide direct evidence that p53 mutations affect the cellular response to DNA damage, either by increasing DNA repair processes or, possibly, by increasing cellular tolerance to DNA damage. The association of p53 mutations with increased radioresistance suggests possible mechanisms through which alterations in the p53 gene might lead to oncogenic transformation.

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