Journal of neuroimmunology 2022 Apr 09
Peripheral neuropathy in sarcoidosis.   
Peripheral nerve disorders in sarcoidosis consist of granulomatous neuropathy and non-granulomatous small fiber neuropathy (SFN), which differ in their underlying pathology, diagnostic methods and treatment. While granulomatous nerve involvement is rare in sarcoidosis, SFN is reported in over 40% of systemic cases. Distal symmetric polyneuropathy and asymmetric polyradiculoneuropathy are the most common presentations of granulomatous neuropathy, which typically responds to corticosteroids. In contrast, SFN is often manifested as non-length dependent pain and paresthesias that may improve with intravenous immune globulin or infliximab. Early recognition and treatment of sarcoidosis neuropathy can lead to improved outcomes and patient quality of life.

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Is a biopsy or EMG helpful in confirming the etiology? What is the best treatment for sarcoid neuropathy?