Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases 2022 Oct 17
VEXAS Syndrome-A Review of Pathophysiology, Presentation, and Prognosis.
VEXAS ( V acuoles, E 1 enzyme, X -linked, A utoinflammatory, S omatic) syndrome is a newly identified disease caused by somatic mutations in the UBA1 gene resulting in refractory autoinflammatory features, frequently accompanied by cytopenias. Although the prevalence of this syndrome is yet unknown, understanding the clinical phenotype can assist clinicians in prompt recognition of cases among patients with glucocorticoid-responsive but immunosuppressive-resistant inflammatory symptoms. The pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic methods, treatment, and prognosis of VEXAS are herein reviewed.
New answer by at Massachusetts General Hospital (December 1, 2024)
I would strongly consider referring for hematopoietic stem cell transplant. The NIH/National Cancer Institute has a trial that is currently recruiting:Koster et al., PMID 3625...