What are your top takeaways in Radiation Oncology from SABCS 2024?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Wine regions have good years and bad years. This year's vintage from San Antonio was exceptionally fine, with oral presentations of several important, highly anticipated trials. The second and third of the studies I will discuss were also published on the day of the oral presentation.1. GS2-03: Kunk...
Radiation Oncologist at University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Fantastic and thorough response!
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
1. SUPREMOThe data, not unexpectedly, showed no significant benefit with PMRT for high-risk node negative or 1 to 3 node positive post ALNd with modern systemic treatment. That being said, practice has changed to SNLN with patients with no benefit ALND for 1 to 2 nodal disease and higher risk of lym...
Radiation Oncologist at Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center I personally feel that there is more chance of a s...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
The EUROPA trial. This trial presented at SABCS, and published concurrently in Lancet Oncology, is a non-inferiority, phase 3 trial of women age 70 or older with stage I breast cancer (any grade if tumor <1cm, grade 1-2 if tumor 1.1-1.9 cm; ER and PR >=10%, HER2 negative, and ...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
EUROPA trial was a phase 3 study that enrolled patients who were >= 70 yo with early-stage, luminal A breast cancer to RT vs adjuvant endocrine therapy. The team presented their preplanned interim analysis that met one of their primary endpoint of quality of life at 24 mo with better QOL ...
Fantastic and thorough response!