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General Internal Medicine
General Gastroenterology
What inpatient diagnostic workup do you pursue in a patient with an unspecified vomiting disorder who cannot be discharged due to poor PO tolerance?
How do you balance pursuing a thorough and timely workup while avoiding unnecessary testing?
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Under what circumstances would you recommend early fecal microbiota transplantation over antibiotic treatment or bezlotoxumab in a patient with recurrent C. difficile infection?
What is your approach to treatment of patients with fulminant C difficile infection who required ileostomy creation or colectomy?
How would you treat blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome?
Is there a role for nitazoxanide for treatment of norovirus gastroenteritis in immunocompromised patients?
Has your institution and/or antimicrobial stewardship program incorporated a selective antibiotic approach to treatment of left-sided uncomplicated diverticulitis in immunocompetent patients?
How would you approach management of a patient with a medium-to-large vessel vasculitis who developed perforation of the stomach and colon on steroids and cyclophosphamide?
How would you approach the treatment of a patient with solid food esophageal dysphagia and GERD without a detectable esophageal stricture on upper endoscopy?
What sampling techniques do you use to improve the diagnostic yield of biopsies in a patient with suspected vasculitis and extensive scattered ulceration throughout the GI tract?
How do you approach managing nausea and GI side effects when initiating methotrexate?
How do you counsel a patient on returning to the care of their PCP when a workup for MCAS has been unrevealing, but the patient insists that they have a mast cell disorder because they respond to antihistamine therapy?