What is the utility of a hypercoagulability workup in recurrent cryptogenic stroke, and what specific tests would you recommend?
Is there any utility in predominantly venous hypercoagulability labs?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
I would do a full hypercoagulable state work-up in a patient with 2 or more cryptogenic strokes, particularly in younger patients. This would include antiphospholipid antibodies, Protein C, S, Antithrombin III, and others.
There is 5% prevalence of Factor V Leiden among Caucasian Americans and ~1% among other ehtnicities (Ridker et al, JAMA 1997). The cost and consequences of testing should be carefully thought out in the absence of other thromboses.
I agree with the above answers. My approach and types of hypercoag labs to order are patient dependent. In a younger patient (with and without PFO)- I complete the full hypercoagulable panel (including genetic testing) in conjunction with hematologist evaluation as well. If need be will also evaluat...