What is your approach to a patient with an advanced stage diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with chemotherapy alone (with a PET CR) who then develops an isolated CNS relapse?
If the patient cannot tolerate methotrexate or further chemotherapy, how effective is radiation therapy (e.g. WBRT) in rendering the patient disease-free? If they only have a single brain lesion, would you consider local RT over WBRT?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is a challenging albeit relatively rare situation. First, I would make sure to complete systemic workup, including MRI of brain/spine, CSF cytology, and PET/CT. I would not consider radiosurgery even for a single brain lesion, as this is ultimately a more diffuse disease process. If patient has...
Medical Oncologist at Kettering Cancer Center What regimen would you use if the relapse involves...
What regimen would you use if the relapse involves...