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What type of visual disturbance qualifies as a visual aura?  

Visual aura is commonly described as a scintillating scotoma. In practice, there is a much wider spectrum of visual symptoms in the migraine population. I’m curious whether people would consider “blurry vision”, “seeing spots”, or other vague descriptions as evidence of aura.

Answer from: at Academic Institution
at Greater Boston Headache Center at Boston Advanced Medicine
It has to be remembered that the diagnostic criter...
at Barrow Neurological Institute
The ICHD-3 criteria are continuously updated based...
at Greater Boston Headache Center at Boston Advanced Medicine
The IHS classification and diagnostic criteria are...
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Answer from: at Community Practice
at CentraState Healthcare System
Very helpful terminology (migraine aura status)! I...
at Barrow Neurological Institute
Here are the two ICHD-3 criteria relevant to your ...
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