What volume and dose would you use for a Stage I MALT lymphoma of the lung?
Would you use a similar dose and fractionation as gastric MALT (30Gy in 1.5 Gy fractions)?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
MALT lymphomas are highly radiosensitive. Curative standard doses are 24 Gy in 12 fractions and 30 Gy in 20 fractions. The latter and slower dose fractionation (30 Gy in 20) is best used specifically in the setting of stage IAE Gastric MALT - a unique site with significant risk of radiation induce...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Alternatively, could consider 2 Gy x 2 (Girinsky T et al., Low Dose Radiation Therapy in Pulmonary MALT Lymphoma. Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys 2012;83:e385-389)