When do you hold radiation for moist desqumation to recover when treating breast cancer?
How significant does the moist desquamation need to be? Does the length of tretment remaining ( i.e. 1 v. 3 weeks) or use of medication effect your decision to hold radiation while the skin heals?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
This happens very rarely during the course of RT in the era of hypofractionation and dose homogeneity radiation delivery. In the rare case it happens, we switch to boost rather than giving a treatment break from RT
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Agree with @Sushil Beriwal that this is a rare phenomenon with current dose and fractionation regimens.
We do see this in the setting of re-irradiation or cases that require higher doses (+ surgical margins) from time to time and I rarely hold as long as the patient is doing ok.