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Thoracic Malignancies
Medical Oncology
NCI-CCC Tumor Board Question
With the FDA approval of third line pembrolizumab for patients with SCLC, how would you select a candidate for pembrolizumab or nivolumab in the third line management of SCLC?
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In cases where EGFR NSCLC has transformed into small-cell lung cancer after treatment with Osimertinib, and with no CNS involvement, is it advisable to continue osimertinib alongside chemotherapy?
In what scenarios (if ever) would you check peripheral blood flow cytometry in a patient with known multiple myeloma to evaluate for circulating plasma cells (CPCs) in the absence of an abnormal smear?
Has the MARS data for mesothelioma changed whether you would recommend surgery for these patients?
How would you consolidate a patient with primary refractory double hit lymphoma with secondary CNS involvement?
In which situations are you comfortable with alternative dosing of ovarian suppression (e.g Lupron q3m) for premenopausal patients during adjuvant breast cancer treatment?
Is there a role for surgical debulking, local RT or subsequent line of chemotherapy for a patient with stable malignant thymoma but active myasthenia gravis?
How long should we treat patients with newly diagnosed myeloma with bisphosphonates or RANKL inhibitors for their myeloma bone disease given recent data?
Would you consider stopping EGFR inhibitor in EGFR mutant NSCLC on a patient who was NED for >5 years?
With the recent ODAC review of the commerically available CAR-T therapies in relapsed/refractory myeloma post 1-3 lines of therapy, what is your preferred regimen/therapy for first relapse, and which are the situations where you would absolutely consider CAR-T therapy at first relpase?
How would you approach the management of a patient with stage IIIA lung adenocarcinoma and multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma with Child-Pugh A cirrhosis?