Would you consider the use of doxycycline or minocycline in the management of RA?
Answer from: at Community Practice
When faced with an issue of a TNF side effect or an infectious complication, I have used minocycline for the management of RA. This is based on an observation of minocycline’s effectiveness in early RA. A patient of mine developed optic neuritis while administering adalimumab, and Opthalmology...
at UTMB Health Agree. I have used tetracyclines on just a few occ...
Personally, I have been reluctant to use minocycline in RA as we have so many other options and I harbor serious doubts as to the ability of minocyline's effectiveness if other agents are not helpful. I have seen several cases of minocycline-induced lupus and drug-induced vasculitis. Particularly, I...
I am glad to hear of Dr. @Paul J. DeMarco's experience. One out of five of our RA patients has treatment-resistant RA (Messelink et al., PMID 34238346), even with so many miraculous biologics and targeted small molecule drugs. So, this is a valid question.Like Dr. DeMarco, I also come from the days ...
I have a small cohort of patients with RA who also had a total knee replacement with a subsequently infected prosthesis and a complicated revision/replacement course. Immunosuppressive agents are contraindicated due to the increased risk of recent prostheses infection. Minocycline has been effective...
Agree. I have used tetracyclines on just a few occ...