Would you offer elective RT for an early stage, high grade penile cancer sp partial penectomy who cannot undergo groin sampling/SN biopsy?
Would nodal areas would you treat? What dose would you recommend?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
The guidelines for adjuvant treatment of penile cancers are all over the place because of lack of any good data (rarity of disease). We have extrapolated from vulvar ca and considered adjuvant RT treatment with similar philosophy. (Prophylaxis to bilateral groin for microscopic disease, if surgical ...
Radiation Oncologist at US Oncology Any anecdotal or historical data on the efficacy o...
Most patients with early stage, high grade disease likely have a > 25% probability of nodal involvement using full lymphadenectomy pathology as reference, depending on the remaining elements of the penectomy pathology. Additional risk factors to determine this risk other than grade which are prob...
Any anecdotal or historical data on the efficacy o...