Would you resume durvalumab after several month hiatus due to IO unrelated medical comorbidities that has since resolved?
If it is still within the 12 month period and no disease recurrence?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is a challenging question and it is hard to know what the right answer is. If the patient's ECOG PS is good, Durvalumab was well tolerated for the most part, and the IO unrelated medical co-morbidities are now under control, I would consider re-initiation of Durvalumab. I would balance risk and...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
As Drs. Jalal and Gadgeel have mentioned, individualized decision-making is most important. While the question notes that the reason for holding durvalumab was unrelated to immunotherapy, the patient did have a medical problem that required holding therapy for "several months", which suggests a majo...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
I agree with @Shadia I. Jalal. Just two datasets to consider- 1. There was a suggestion in PACIFIC that patients who initiated therapy 2 weeks after completion of chemo+RT had greater benefit than patients who completed therapy at 6 weeks. The speculation is there is interaction between effects of c...