Would you switch from carboplatin/etoposide to cisplatin/etoposide in an LS-SCLC patient who initially declines cisplatin but subsequently agrees to it?
Excellent radiographic response to 2 cycles carbo/etoposide.
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
I have never seen such a clinical situation before. My simple answer would be that I would keep the carboplatin and not switch to cisplatin. That being said, I think there is more and more data that carboplatin and etoposide are pretty much equivalent to cisplatin and etoposide in LS-SCLC. There are...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
No. Based on the COCIS meta-analysis (Rossi et al., PMID 22473169) exploring OS differences across carboplatin vs cisplatin-based regimens in patients with SCLC including those with limited-stage disease, there were no survival differences between the treatment regimens although as expected, toxicit...