After what time frame off GLP-1 RA therapy should you restart at the lowest starting dose?
Patients may have to stop glp1 a therapy due to supply issues or for other reasons. If they are off for 4 weeks, is it ok to restart at the same dose they were taking before they stopped?
Answer from: at Community Practice
When a patient has stopped an incretin agonist for more than 2 weeks, I suggest at least restarting at a reduced dose. After 3-4 weeks, I would suggest restarting at the lowest or next to lowest dose. Restarting at a higher dose with anti-nausea medication such as ondansetron may be an option for so...
I would usually restart the medication at the lowest dose if it has been 3-4 weeks, as with the half life of the current GLP-1RA, their levels should be almost gone. Also there is the issue of prioritizing long term adherence versus short term control. If patients have GI side effects with a restart...
at Liberty Mountain Medical Group That is very helpful. If GI adverse effects occur ...
at Tufts Medical Center Physicians Organization Yes. You can drop down by one or two doses and con...