Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Iron Homeostasis   

Questions discussed in this category

After what time period would you consider adding a second iron chelator?

Does this hold true when the patient has significant inflammation? 

How often do you see non transfusion-dependent thalassemia and how do you approach the treatment?

Although TIBC is negative acute phase reactant, would it be a better indicator of iron deficiency (in combination with ferritin)?

What is the ideal approach for female adolescent athletes if they have complaints of fatigue and dizziness and are diagnosed with mild iron deficiency...

For example, a patient with hypogonadism unless it matters which organ is involved. Are other markers of iron storage useful in guiding therapy?

Papers discussed in this category

American journal of hematology, 2008-08

Blood, 2010-07-22

Am J Gastroenterol,

Blood, 2003 Mar 27

N Engl J Med, 2019 Sep 19

Am J Med, 1990 Mar