If using adjuvant chemotherapy, should the patient receive carboplatin or use a more intensive regimen because of the positive margin status?
Would you biopsy lymph node to confirm recurrence/histology?
If confirmed, how do you decide between RT vs chemotherapy? If chemo - BEP x3 vs E...
Is this stage IS or IIA? Is chemotherapy or RT preferred?
Does patient age effect your approach?
Would you consider RPLND for any patients in light of the phase II SEMS trial presented at the 2021 ASCO GU Ca...
Would you radiate? Surgery? Chemo? Follow with short interval scans?
How would size of adenopathy (e.g. <2cm vs larger) and time of recurrence (wi...
How does your approach differ for patients with stage IIA versus IIB disease? Age?
Would a history of prior vasectomy in a stage IIA seminoma be an indication to include the inguinal nodes in the RT treatment field?
Is there any advantage to primary RT as opposed to just orchiectomy? Additionally, in order to confirm Tis, a biopsy is required, which is typica...
The Chung validation study did not find that size > 4cm or rete testis invasion are risk factors for relapse and the current NCCN guideline discour...