Do all patients referred for acute symptoms of TIA or minor stroke require additional imaging with CT/MR angiography, in addition to admission/observation?
Can some patients referred for TIA/stroke symptoms who have at the time of ER referral, a normal neurological exam be discharged with outpatient workup?
Answer from: at Community Practice
Regardless of whether symptoms are minor, improve, or resolve, it is important to obtain vessel imaging to evaluate the underlying head and neck vasculature, as this may guide additional treatments (e.g., carotid revascularization, ICAD management, dissection management, carotid-web management, etc....
at University of Minnesota Admission and a full workup like any stroke patien...
I would strongly recommend an overnight admission, during which CT/CTA, MRI (MRA only if CTA is not possible), cardiac monitoring overnight, A1C, and lipid assays can be obtained. I would only delay an outpatient workup if the TIA occurred several days before the ED visit. I would also add that, in ...
Medical Oncologist at Morristown Medical Center Do you routinely obtain MRIs with and without cont...
at HCA Houston Healthcare Typically, I do not, unless the hypodensity morpho...
I would recommend admission/observation for workup unless there exists a TIA clinic that can get the patient in and expedite the workup within the next 24 to 48 hours or there is a fast TIA/minor stroke pathway in the ED. The highest risk of stroke recurrence post TIA or minor stroke is the first 7 ...
at University of Colorado, Climate & Health Dept It's less about admission and more about determini...
Admission and a full workup like any stroke patien...