Do you transition to oral antibiotics to treat uncomplicated Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia after patients have improved with intravenous antibiotic therapy?
Answer from: at Community Practice
I don't understand the design of these "PO vs IV" abx trials. RCTs, of course, are done to minimize the differences between the experimental and control groups. Hopefully, through randomization, the only significant difference will be the "experiment" or treatment. However, in this and most "PO" stu...
I agree with Dr. @Smith's comment on the selection of oral antibiotics. The secondary endpoints cannot be analyzed as only 3-4% of patients screened were enrolled/not powered to assess. As per the Supplementary material, the number of patients who received Cotrimoxazole, Clindamycin, and Linezolid w...
I'm very interested in the PO switch, have done it in only 2 cases in the past year. I think the poll verifies that we all have not quite accepted this approach yet.
With the availability of dalbavancin, I normally do not have to consider this query for long -- I'm generally able to complete the co...