For an unknown primary manifested in a left supraclavicular node, what area would you treat with radiation therapy?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Is it adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma as suspected primary could be in head and neck region or abdominothoracic region
in practice I have treated once for squammous cell cancer and opted to treat ipsilateral involved site only with adjoining level 4 and 5 region.
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
I think we need a lot more information before you can decide what volumes and nodal levels to treat.
- Age
- Histology, HPV status
- smoking history
- workup (DL, upper endoscopy, PET Neck/C/A/P)
So let's assume this is SCC.
If all the workup is done and negative for a primary site, inclu...