For women who have difficulty healing after a mastectomy but need adjuvant radiation therapy, is there an amount of time for which you would abandon plans for radiation?
At what timepoint after surgery does prospective adjuvant radiation no longer become beneficial?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
While there are data on this topic, there is no clear consensus. Typically, if the patient is not receiving any therapy (ex. post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy patient), I try to initiate RT within 3 months of surgery. On occasion, I have pushed to 4 months but ideally 3 months though, there is some data...
Radiation Oncologist at Mon Health Do you think 9 weeks would be a reasonable standar...
Radiation Oncologist at Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh I think 9 weeks is reasonable.
Do you think 9 weeks would be a reasonable standar...
I think 9 weeks is reasonable.
Thank you.