How do you approach hormone replacement therapy for premenopausal patients following pelvic radiation therapy?
How is your approach different from or similar to those who undergo surgical menopause?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
Most patients who undergo pelvic radiation will become menopausal. Physiologically, the outcome is similar to surgical menopause because sufficient doses of radiation result in complete loss of ovarian function. In contrast, after natural menopause, the ovaries continue some types of endocrine funct...
Radiation Oncologist at Firelands Regional Medical Center This is helpful. Do you routinely prescribe vagina...
at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Yes, I prescribe both.
Radiation Oncologist at Northeast Georgia Health System Thank you for the detailed answer. Can you expand ...
at SMG Women's Health at Brockton You mentioned vaginal estrogen receptors are likel...
Radiation Oncologist at Chesapeake Potomac Regional Cancer Center Thank you so much Dr. @Falk! With regards to &ldqu...
This is helpful. Do you routinely prescribe vagina...
Yes, I prescribe both.
Thank you for the detailed answer. Can you expand ...
You mentioned vaginal estrogen receptors are likel...
Thank you so much Dr. @Falk! With regards to &ldqu...