How do you initiate steroids in ocular Myasthenia Gravis?
What dosage do you start with?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
It's the same with generalized MG. The only difference is that I avoid increasing the dose to more than 30-40 mg of prednisone per day (if possible).
Many experts propose initiating dosing every other day, but I have never been a big fan of this regimen because I have seen several patients experien...
I agree with Dr. @Manousakis. I do use every-other-day dosing when weaning off patients, typically after they've been on 10 mg daily, but I don't employ it when initiating prednisone treatment.
The every-other-day steroid approach goes back 50 years and was a regimen to gradually increase steroids to avoid MG worsening from initiating high doses. Most of us have gradually increased with daily doses. I still taper with every other day but I'm not sure this is done by rheumatologists or anyo...