How do you interpret the presence of GAD antibody in a middle-aged patient with diabetes when all other type 1 diabetes antibodies are absent?
Answer from: at Community Practice
It depends on patient's clinical course of diabetes, controlled on orals vs insulin, BMI, family history DM. For a brittle DM patient, high GAD titer could indicate DM1 or LADA. For stable DM patients, the recommendation is to have 2 positive antibodies to diagnose DM1.
at Medstar Health The interpretation of diabetes autoantibody titers...
at UCSF - Fresno Depending on the population, the assay, and the cu...
I tend to order these antibodies in those adults who do not have a very clear clinical picture to diagnose them as either 1 or 2, like a middle aged normal built male/female with no other comorbid conditions and negative family history too. Then, if GAD is negative, chance of have T1 is very very lo...
The interpretation of diabetes autoantibody titers...
Depending on the population, the assay, and the cu...