How would you manage a patient with history of stage IIIC HGSOC after secondary cytoreduction of isolated inguinal node recurrence 12 years after primary treatment?
Recurrence picked up incidentally on CT. No germ line mutations, somatic tumor testing of node resulted negative.
PET confirmed isolated recurrence
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
Difficult case. Could just observe if the lymph node is an isolated recurrence with no extracapsular extension.
If extracapsular extension, could offer standard chemotherapy again, or just single agent carboplatin to minimize side effects x 6 cycles. This patient should have been extra-sensitive to...
Medical Oncologist at Yale School of Medicine, Yale Cancer Center I would check BRCA and HRD on both germline and tu...
I would check BRCA and HRD on both germline and tu...