How would you plan a post-op, distal rectal adenocarcinoma s/p neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and APR with minimal treatment response?
How would your planning be influenced by a possible, single inguinal lymph node metastasis?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
The PROSPECT trial evaluated the omission of radiotherapy from preoperative management for cases that presented with a disease that could be resected with a sphincter-sparing TME. In addition, if the disease responded poorly to preoperative FOLFOX, then patients on that arm were required to receive ...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
It is easy to say what should have happened before the patient comes to see you, but not entirely helpful in treating the patient at hand. This type of situation happens routinely in community practice. Many times, the general surgeon who performed the diagnostic colonoscopy manages who gets the ref...
Radiation Oncologist at Washington University School of Medicine This patient received preoperative FOLFOX. The dec...
Radiation Oncologist at Lake Huron Medical Center Sure, but the question is what to do in this situa...
Radiation Oncologist at Washington University School of Medicine I wrote that at the beginning of this chain. Assum...
Radiation Oncologist at Essentia Health Cancer Center Thanks much to both of you for your responses. Thi...