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Lung Cancer
Radiation Oncology
Gastrointestinal Cancers
Medical Oncology
How would you treat a patient with a synchronous T1N2 non-small cell lung cancer and a T3N1 mid-rectal adenocarcinoma (MMR intact)?
What would be an optimal sequence of therapies, and what chemotherapy regimen may be best?
Related Questions
In patients with EGFR mutant L858R stage III NSCLC who are unresectable due to multistation N2 disease, would you consider upfront osimertinib over definitive intent CCRT?
For a patient who has T4 squamous cell esophageal carcinoma on imaging, and who has biopsy-confirmed disease in an involved local lymph node, are EUS or EGD still indicated to complete workup?
How was treatment response assessed on the PROSPECT trial?
In a patient with amyloidosis and abnormal liver function but child Pugh A, would you still proceed with SABR for a liver metastasis?
Would you offer chemoRT to a colon cancer case with a resected polyp with positive margins if the patient wishes to avoid surgery?
Would you consider proton therapy as part of TNT for rectal cancer?
How would you manage a middle thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (tumor is 25-30 cm from carina) with a positive supra-clavicular lymph node?
How would you manage a borderline resectable pancreatic cancer s/p induction chemo + chemo-RT who was unable to go to surgery?
Would you dose escalate neoadjuvant radiotherapy for T3 and/or N+ rectal cancer in patients who are unwilling or unable to get chemotherapy?
How are you incorporating Tumor Treating Fields for locally progressive/metastatic NSCLC, if at all?