How would you treat a relatively focal but multinodular staple line recurrence of non-mutated lung adenocarcinoma s/p margin-negative lobectomy?
E.g. Recurrent one year out from neoadjuvant chemo-immunotherapy and margin-negative lobectomy. SBRT vs. larger-field chemoRT? Difference in approach for central lesions abutting multiple structures?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
It depends on how multinodular and how far apart the nodules are. If the total PTV is reasonable and dose constraints can be reasonably reached with SBRT, then I would generally prefer to proceed with SBRT. If SBRT is not feasible, then hypofractionated RT versus conventionally fractionated chemo-RT...
Radiation Oncologist at Cleveland Clinic I agree 100%. Here is a second reference written b...
I agree 100%. Here is a second reference written b...