In a patient with isolated HLA B27+ anterior uveitis, how long would you continue immunosuppressive therapy?
The patient has no extraocular features of a spondyloarthropathy and is on methotrexate. No active eye disease for past 1 year.
Answer from: at Community Practice
Although the majority of patients with Human Leukocyte Antigen B27 (HLA B27)-associated recurrent, acute anterior uveitis have some evidence of spondyloarthropathy, this disease does occur sometimes with clinical disease only in the eye. The disease is not usually chronic (i.e., lasting longer than ...
at Rubicon MD This helped me learn management of episodic anteri...
A recent RCT titled Stopping of Adalimumab in juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis (ADJUST) involves a multicenter, double-masked trial I read about on Rheumnow. This multinational, randomized, placebo-controlled trial recruited 87 JIA-Uveitis patients with controlled arthritis and uveit...
This helped me learn management of episodic anteri...